Every week I do a fun collaboration with Jeff Coleman.  He is a singer/songwriter, all around fantastic musician that has been writing and recording songs for many years. This is really fun for me!! It gives me a weekly opportunity to take a creative break from whatever else I might be focused on and create on the spot.  I receive the song on usually a Thursday or Friday and need to get the visual response to him the next day. The image below is my response to this weeks song.

I took pics of this installation while visiting the Outer Banks in July.  I was with Jeff actually as we drove past this bit of local color.  I had to ask him to please turn around and go back.  I could not believe such a delightful fun thing was simply there hanging out by the side of the road.  No artist, person, family or entity claimed responsibility for it.

I for one really appreciate the effort.  So I snapped a bunch of shots with my iPhone 11. When I heard this weeks song “Go In Peace” – creating this photo montage immediately came into my minds eye. I hope you enjoy it!

And here is the link to the song.  It’s a delightful tune!   https://www.somewhereoutwest.com/news220826.html



About Me

Victoria Mowrer is a multi-dimensional artist, storyteller, magic maker, and lover of all things wild and wonderful. She believes beauty has the power to heal. A passion for exploration, experimentation and truth-seeking has been with her since childhood.

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